Monday, March 16, 2020

Harpercollins and Social Care Essay

Harpercollins and Social Care Essay Harpercollins and Social Care Essay P1- Potential hazards and the harm that may arise from each in a health and social care setting. The objective of this assignment is to examine health, safety and hazards within a health and social care environment, I will be giving examples of hazards I have witnessed within a health and social care setting (Nursery) and I will explain the potential effects that may occur. Hazard: A hazard can be an accident, it can cause injury and there is a chance of an individual being harmed, or being put into danger, for example a fire hazard may occur if the gas has been left on and someone lights a flame. This is a serious hazard. (Collins English Dictionary –1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003) Placement: The placement I worked at for two weekswas located in south Birmingham, it was a day care centre where children aged 0-5 attended. To enter the nursery there is a gate which is always left open and unattended. There is then a straight pathway which leads straight to the nursery. To enter the nursery you must press the bell or enter a code that only the staffs know of. Once you enter there are two heavy duty doors which are hard to push open and close. The nursery is all on one ground there is no higher ground or lower ground. There is a office and a wash room on the way in to the nursery. The room is rather large and is split into 3 sections separated by gates. 1st section is where babies were, the middle section is where the toddlers/infants were and the 3rd section is where the oldest children were. The section in which the babies were was next to the kitchen and a store room. Where the toddlers were was the main entrance, toilets and the heavy duty doors. It was locked off by the gates though. Also where the children were was the backdoors to where the garden and field was. There was about 30 children and 5 members of staff and 3 students who were on work experience including myself. The physical condition of the children at the nursery were, that they were normal, healthy, regular children who were very curious, vulnerable, active, emotional, very delicate and very young meaning that their awareness to danger and hazards is very limited. Due to them being so vulnerable means that they need to be watched at all times ensuring that they are safe as they may pick anything up. The employees at the nursery were experiences qualified workers; there were 5 members of staff 2 where the babies were 2 where the toddlers were and 1 where the children were, and in each section was a student who was on work experience. As there were 5 members of staff who were qualified they should know about health and safety which can lead to fewer hazards. Also as there were 3 students with no experience this can lead to more hazards and risks. Hazard 1: Front gate left open unattended. People can see that the gates are opened and unattended so they might decide to walk in which may lead to them damaging property, theft or even taking property information. The children may see that the doors are open which can lead to them running out and they might now be able to be stopped as there is no one attending the doors, this can lead to them having an accident or something very serious. The worst possible case is that an intruder can come in and maybe abduct a child from the nursery, which will lead to an investigation and maybe closure of the nursery. Hazard 2: Gates in the nursery left open. They can run out of the section they are suppose to stay in and maybe get their fingers caught in the gates or doors, which can lead to them injuring themselves and having to have professional help. They can run into the open area where the kitchen is, if they enter the kitchen they may mess with the gas switches or and chemical substances left in the bottom draws which they may eat, drink this can cause them serious harm. They may run into store room and mess with the food and cutlery, which will lead to them harming themselves, and damage of